adj 1 : having many varied interrelated parts, patterns, or elements and consequently hard to understand < behavior> <a personality> < plants and animals> 2 : formed by the union of simpler chemical substances < proteins> n 1 : a group of repressed memories, desires, and ideas that exert a dominant influence on the personality and behavior <a guilt > - see CASTRATION COMPLEX ELECTRA COMPLEX INFERIORITY COMPLEX OEDIPUS COMPLEX PERSECUTION COMPLEX SUPERIORITY COMPLEX 2 : a group of chromosomes arranged or behaving in a particular way - see GENE COMPLEX 3 : a chemical association of two or more species (as ions or molecules) joined usu. by weak electrostatic bonds rather than by covalent bonds 4 : the sum of the factors (as symptoms and lesions) characterizing a disease <primary tuberculous > vt 1 : to form into a complex <RNA ed with protein> 2 : CHELATE vi : to form a complex <hormones which must with specific receptors> .
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